Need Loan Terms?
What We Provide
Project Review
Our team of specialist private lending brokers will review your project and make an assessment as to its credit strength and financial feasibility.
Loan Submission
We will prepare a professional loan submission that suitable lenders will review and base their credit decisioning on. We then submit to those lenders.
Lender Panel
A key value-add that PLB offers is offering access to our panel of 30+ of Australia's best-in-class private lenders - a panel we've curated and refined over many years.
Following submission to suitable private lenders, we act on your behalf and negotiate the most competitive finance terms. We create competitive tension.
Once a preferred lender is selected, PLB will work with your solicitors to book in settlement and work with them throughout the entire process, including post-settlement.
Latest Settlements

Luxury Residential Apartments
This was a $24.9m construction facility funded at a 70% LVR in Metro Melbourne, Victoria.

Residual Stock Facility
A $14.8m loan secured against completed luxury residential stock at a 75% LVR in the Eastern Suburbs of Sydney.

Representing an LVR of 67%, this was an $18.1m construction facility for the civil works for a land subdivision in North-West Sydney.
Land Subdivision Civil Works

Commercial Refinance
Two popular operating pubs in the Inner-West of Sydney were refinanced at $16.5m, representing a 55% LVR.

Property Sectors
Real Property Lending
We work with property developers across multiple property sectors, developing the industry's future and redefining what is possible, one project at a time.
For developers seeking to reduce their equity and enhance their Return on Equity, private lenders offer up to 75% leverage on construction facilities. Get started sooner, with less down.

Conventional banks require often unreasonable levels of debt coverage in qualifying presales. Presales slow down projects from starting, involve heavy discounting on revenues and require marketing expenditure. Private lenders offer developers an alternative with low or no presales.

No two property developers are the same, neither are two property projects the same. This is something private lenders understand and cater to with tailored finance solutions for property developers on a case-by-case basis, including flexibility in leverage, timing and other special conditions.

As a team of brokers that specialise in private lending, there are a multitude of reasons why property developers engage us to secure debt solutions on their behalf.
Why Use a PLB Broker?
We deal exclusively in private lending. This specialisation makes us industry-leaders in private lending solutions for property developers.
Better Rates & Terms
PLB brings significant volume to private lenders annually. This gives us strong negotiating power on behalf of our property developer clients.
Private Lender Panel
We deal only with private lenders, meaning we know them better than most. We know the good from the bad & which lenders suit which loans.
Save Time & Focus
Securing finance is time-consuming. Working with PLB outsources the finance task to professionals, allowing you to focus on your developments.